Monday, January 14, 2008

Winter Wonders

Another Snow Day!! Winter is a wonderful time to dis-connect from the larger world, the hustle and bustle and just snuggle in for a day or two of hibernation. What a gift a snow day can be! This year we've been gifted with several already - so much for global warming - we've had more snow in NH this year than in the past several combined I think!

As soon as the call came in from the school district that we are off today we all breathed a sigh and rolled over for a good two hours of extra sleep. Snuggling under a warm comforter, all cozy with the kitty, my son James didn't emerge until about 10 and neither did I. By then there were at least 6 inches on the ground already.

Snow Days give us the chance to get outside, to get some great exercise and fresh air. There's nothing like an hour of shoveling to heat you up and make you feel truly, vibrantly alive. We all come in from a great workout - noses red and dripping, hair all sweaty, cheeks bright and shiny with the glow of good hard physical labor. Then it's "Mom, can we have some hot cocoa?" Not the package mix kind for my family - oh no - they like it home made - warm milk in a pan on the stove with some Nestle's Quik or if I"m feeling particularly adventurous we melt Baker's Semi-Sweet in the pan with the milk until the steam is rising and the milk is just under the boiling point. MMmmmm the house smells great and our bellies feel warm and completely satisfied.

Then it's movie or reading time - we like to use a snow day to really, deeply relax. No agendas, except of course the two or three visits outdoors to continue the cleanup process. While we wait for the accumulation we cuddle up on the couch in front of the fire with good books or great movies. Sometimes we cook up a big pot of fresh, hot chicken or vegetable soup. Sometimes we get really motivated and make a batch of homemade cookies or break out the brownie box for some serious comfort food.

What a magical time to unplug, to bond and to deeply relax and enjoy each other. Bring on the Snow Days!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

NH Primaries for Anne Armand

I did vote in the primary from Florida. I have voted from a small island in the Caribbean in the past. But this is the first time in a long time that I have had a candidate who espouses my own views. And I am fired up about the contest. Our country faces new challenges from unrelenting enemies. I am, however, very disappointed at how uninformed many people seem to be about the candidates. Even though we have so much information at hand, many voters still cast ballots with their heart and not their heads. Unfortunately some of my friends let the so called pundits decide for them. They regurgitate the 'party line'. This is not AMERICAN IDOL, this is about AMERICA'S LIFE. It is a time for reading, reflecting and voting with real information and not on looks, drama, and promises. Listen to the message but research the messenger.
Anne Armand

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Opening to Change

The flurry of National media attention has exited as quickly as it came to NH where we celebrate every four years the distinction of being the First in the Nation Primary for the Presidential elections. The excitement in the air yesterday and in the days leading up to the primary was palpable. Change is in the air no doubt about it!

I found it incredibly uplifting to vote this time around. There is a feeling of excitement that just wasn't there in the last election or in fact in any of the elections that I've ever voted in. A feeling of hope, a feeling that there is a possibility for true, deep and fundamental change in our government. This is a historic election year - to have the opportunity on the Democratic side to be a part of the election of either the first woman or first black person to sit in the Oval office is a profound gift.

What I enjoyed the most about this primary was the level of respect, honor and decorum that is being promoted. Respect for each other's positions even if they are not in alignment, respect for each other as people. The energy is clear. There is no heaviness, negativity or mudslinging going on. Hope is in the air. Hope for a merciful conclusion to the long drawn out drama of war. Hope for a new perspective. Hope for economic restoration and for restoration of our country's reputation in the world. Hope for a redistribution of our vast monetary, governmental and natural resources that is more equitable and more sustainable for the good of all rather than the good of the few.

One of the nice things about living here in the Granite State (Live Free or Die!) is the chance to be an undeclared voter. It allows us to make the choice that we feel is best at the moment of voting and to keep some privacy around our choice until that moment in the ballot box. I've chosen to excercise that right to be undeclared, to not be affiliated with any party but to pick not by party but by personal record the person I think is best to lead our nation.

There is a real sense of empowerment in being able to choose our leaders. I pray that we can as a nation continue to honor this system of choice and to maintain the integrity of the balloting process. We are blessed to be citizens of this country. I pray that the rights that were visioned by our founders will always be upheld by our elected leaders and that we can depend upon them to be in truth and integrity as they represent us in the world.

New Hampshire Primaries

So what do you all think about the primaries. Personally I'm a democrat so I really didn't pay much attention to the republican race but I'd love to hear who you voted for and why though. I voted for Hillary Clinton. While I attended the Oprah event at the Verizon and was very impressed with Obama (actually I was more impressed with his wife Michelle), I don't think he has the experience and I think his passions will cost us too much money to emplement at a time when we need to increase the treasury not decrease it. I would like to see him act as Governor before running for president. Yes, I realize that Hillary has only been in the Senate as well but she interned at the Presidential masters side. I very much doubt that she spent 8 years in the White House knitting sweaters when she had the opportunity to watch, look and listen to Bill Clinton run the country. I also think she has a stronger record of accomplishing what she sets out to do. Just my opinion for what it's worth.

On another note I am currently working on our next issue. We are looking for businesses and professionals to write articles on careers, makeovers and spring for our feature sections and on divorce, abuse, home and decorating topics, weight loss or fitness, weddings and health etc. As you know we offer our articles to our advertisers first so that they can get the benefit of the FREE PR. So if you know of anyone who would be interested please let me know - 603-895-4699 or Please check out our website at

As always if you have a question or issue that you would like to see posted please let me know and I will post it for you. My direct e-mail is Please let you friends and family know about this blog so that we can continue to grow our community of NH women, sharing and supporting each other. Thank you Susan

Saturday, January 5, 2008

January 5, 2008

Well I'm starting to get the hang of blogging although I'm sure I still have a lot to learn. I want to thank those of you who have commented or posted blogs. I'm very excited to have finally started some interactive communication. I have wanted to do this within in Applaud and have been able to create some feedback in my letter section but there is so much more that I want to do. I think we, as women, have so much to share with each other and as far as I know there is no forum in New Hampshire to do that. So I'm hoping that I have created a place where women here can share their concerns, issues, enlightenment, information and most importantly their support for each other.

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm very happy that the holidays are over. I don't transition well so any kind of change in routine is very difficult for me. It's especially difficult when my major activity at this time is to get advertising sales and during the holidays people have a totally different focus. So thank goodness things are back to normal.

I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce something new that I am working to create in Applaud. Over the last six months I have come in contact with several women who are either in the divorce process or have recently gotten a divorce. Some of these women have also been involved in abusive relationships. I think that the magazine could be of benefit in helping women get through these difficult situations by providing helpful articles. So we are working on that for the next issue. I'm also hoping that this blog will create a forum where women going through the divorce process or who are involved in abusive relationships, whether married or just dating can share their thoughts or learn from others who have directly or indirectly been affected.

Finally, please feel free to either email me directly at with ideas for postings or to comment here about things that you would like address or share. Please spread the word to other women about this blog so that we can continue to grow our community of NH women.

If you haven't yet read our Tribute to Princess Diana issue please go to to read it or contact me so you can obtain your own copy. Don't miss this 6-page Tribute to Diana with exclusive quotes and photos.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Saying GoodBye

As is customary at this time of year we all take a few moments to say goodbye. Saying goodbye to the year past, saying goodbye to the frenzy of holiday preparation and celebration, saying goodbye to habits that no longer serve. As the year wound to a close I had to say goodbye to an old friend too. My labrador retriever - Blackjack was assisted to cross over last Thursday. Blackjack was what you'd call a "good old dog". He was a loyal companion and friend, a good watch dog, a guardian and playmate for my son and a true and kind member of our family. At 17 1/2 he lived a long and mostly healthy life. He ran, jumped, played and kibbitzed right on up to 15. Then he started to slow down a bit, he got a little grey around the edges, he lost his vision. Many people told me after he lost his ability to see that he should be put down but I refused to do that. He was still generally healthy, found his way around the house and the yard well enough and was an integral part of our family life. My boy James was insistent that he should live to die a natural death and so this was a most difficult rite of passage for him. In the last year I knew that time was short. Last Christmas Eve I didn't think he'd make it through the night and I stayed up late opening sacred space and showing him where the rainbow bridge was. He surprised us all by staying for another whole year! Finally the end drew much nearer. He made it through this Christmas and then went rapidly down hill. When he couldn't get up anymore, stopped eating and drinking and had to be picked up to go outside we knew it was time. I opened sacred space before we left the house, called in all of the spirit guides, spirit animals and energies of light to make the way clear and obvious for his spirit, opened his chakras and showed him the rainbow bridge to the other side. It was a tough decision to make but the right thing to do. The vet (Dr. Stephen Frye, Clark Veterinary Hospital in Nashua) was incredibly compassionate, gentle and kind. He helped us to say goodbye in a way that was filled with dignity, grace and the ultimate kindness. Blackjack has already come to work with me in my medicine work, to dance in my dreams and will always be a guardian spirit and friend for my son and our family. While saying goodbye is never easy to do I'm incredibly grateful to Dr. Frye, to my husband Ross and to the lovely Marie Glover at Animal Heaven (in Hollis NH) who made this experience the best that it could be. Goodbye Blackjack and hello once more. May you journey joyfully to your home star and illuminate the path for those of us to follow. Your faithful friendship was a magical gift. With all our Love - Amethyst, Ross and James