Thursday, August 28, 2008

For the kiddies

A few weeks ago now, my friend Jennifer Karin Sidford gave me a copy of her new children's book. It looked like a winner then, and it looks like a winner now that it's out in the shops.

The DreamStarter Book contains 50 pages of story beginnings ... as in, Jennifer starts the story and the kids, with their parents, with whoever or alone, figure out where it goes from there.

In the first beginning, for example, a little boy looks in the mirror while brushing his teeth and sees a key inside the mirror. He reaches for the key, grabs the key and ... whee! You're off! (Her lead up is more expansive and literary than this, of course.)

All of the beginnings childhood imaginings and 'fears' ... castles, wolves, pirates, unicorns, dragons, Ninjas. The Wolves of Scotland brought back memories of a book I read as a young adult, The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, so when I read it, I actually started concocting a storyline to finish the story.

I think it's a great way to stimulate a child's imagination and maybe stimulate some future writers, as well as obviously interacting with your child(ren) in a meaningful way.

This is Jennifer's third published work.

The DreamStarter Book Cold Tree Press Softcover; 63 pages (including ideas on how to use the book for activity time and as a game) $12.95

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