Many of you are probably connected to Facebook to keep up with friends and family, may have a profile on LinkedIn to stay in touch with colleagues, and may even have ventured into the Twitter space. However, you also may be wondering where the payoff is? Is your time being invested wisely, and will your voice be heard through all the clutter? So,, to answer those questions, here are a few reasons why you should stay in the online game, and tips on how to make the most of your time.
Supporting Evidence
1) There are currently 350 million people on Facebook, including 65 million accessing the site on mobile phones. (Source
2) The average Facebook user spends 55 minutes per day on the site, and becomes a fan of 2 pages (political, nonprofit, and/or business) per month. (Source
3) There are currently 22 million active members on Twitter, posting 3 million messages per day.
4) Time spent on social networks represents more than 10% of all Internet time. (Source: Forrester: The Growth of Social Technology, 2008)
5) Activity on social networks continues to grow at a rapid pace, and is expanding rapidly into more mature markets. For the rest of the article go to the Winter issue of Applaud Women at Click on the Winter cover image found on the homepage to enter the publication, turn pages (make sure you turn on your sound to hear the pages swish), print pages or download the entire magazine.
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