A fresh, new year is as good a reason as any to revisit timeless concepts when it comes to your life and your wealth.
How are you using the resources in your life: time, energy, relationships, talents and money to fulfill your life’s aspirations? By revisiting these essentials in auld lang syne style, you can reinvigorate yourself for the year — hopefully years — ahead!
Wealth is derived from wele & weal “well-being” on analogy of health. True wealth connotes financial riches but it is also true to mean health. Wealth by ALL definitions is happiness. You may link the word “wealth” with “money.” TRUE wealth is not; repeat NOT, the accumulation of money. Part of wealth is financial abundance but true wealth is much more. Research has shown that people are generally happier when they have abundance in all areas of their life including health, family, work, community, inner growth, learning, home, and finances. And to read the rest of the article go to the Winter issue of Applaud Women at www.applaudwomen.com. Click on the Winter cover image found on the homepage to enter the publication, turn pages (make sure you turn on your sound to hear the pages swish), print pages or download the entire magazine.
For more information, lists or articles of interest to NH women and MA women visit us at www.applaudwomen.com to read Applaud the on-line magazine for local women. We are the largest, most comprehensive website for (local) NH women and MA women. We deal with subjects like Health, Beauty, Fashion, Finance, Food, Parenting, Home, Dating, Business, Seniors and our most important issue - Inspirational Women (local, national and international). If you have something you would like us to share please e-mail applaud@comcast.net. Additionally we have resource listings for NH & MA restaurants, Hotels (NH only), Female Doctors, Wedding and Beauty related businesses.
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